Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_action)

Over the course of three days artist Malin Arnell will enact a performative research seminar at Weld in Stockholm. The seminar encompasses a number of public actions, screenings and discussions that directly engage her ongoing artistic research, which is generated through live events. Specifically, the title 67,3% performative research seminar (2014) points to the moment that this seminar occupies within the arc of her research, which currently takes place within the framework of a PhD in Choreography at DOCH, School of Dance and Circus / Stockholm University of the Arts.


Arnell understands 67,3% performative research seminar as a methodology of entanglements in which each participant comes to exist within the research, and in which the movement across reenactments, presentations and conversations generates the choreographic.


As a part of 67,3% performative research seminar, Malin Arnell has created THE READER, a compilation of key texts that she has written, performed and / or published as part of her artistic research.

Program / PDF