Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_action)

In Reflect Soft Matte Discourse I followed Gina Pane's instructions from the action Discours mou et mat (1975). Discours mou et mat was performed by Pane and an unknown woman at de Appel Arts Centre in Amsterdam, and documented with film and photographs. For the reenactment, I followed Pane's score, and performed the actions as they were described. Clara López Menéndez are present as "the body of an unknown woman" listed in the score.


Reflect Soft Matte Discourse was documented with video by Ulrika Gomm.


Reflect Soft Matte Discourse (2011). One hour action, which took place as part of LIKA - a performance evening (2011), organized by Malin Arnell, Anna Kleberg, Ulrika Sparre and Amelie Edlund at Kamarad, Stockholm.


Reflect Soft Matte Discourse (2011), 22:43 min. Videographer Ulrika Gomm.